Why it’s needed

Residual energy from a previous occupant affects how a home feels. Energy related to trauma, fighting, or loss (such as death or divorce) is especially heavy. This presents a problem in the real estate market, for buyers and sellers alike.

The phrase, “The tension (energy) in this room is so thick, you could cut it with a knife” is common because we’ve all had that feeling. Sometimes you can name it, why there’s a bad vibe, but oftentimes you can’t; especially in a space you’ve never been in—like an open house.

This isn’t just an issue with older homes. Brand new construction holds energy from dozens of workers, inspectors, realtors, cleaners, and so on.  And the issue isn’t isolated to single-family homes. Office buildings, apartment complexes, and condominiums are especially contaminated with lingering energy. 

Stagnant and chaotic energy needs to be purged, inside and outside.

Oftentimes, it’s not so much about clearing heavy energy; but more about wanting your space to feel like yours, and yours alone.

Out with the old, in with the new!

How it works

Using a variety of tools & techniques such as music, tuning forks, voice toning, sage, incense, salt, essential oils, along with specific intentions, stagnant energy moves out. Like opening windows for a bit of fresh air, the aftereffects of clearing a room are felt immediately.

The first step is to assess the space. Doing a walkthrough is where we get a sense of what areas of the home could benefit from which tools and techniques.

For example, if there’s a room in the house holding onto to dark, heavy, toxic energy, it might need several tools at once. Perhaps placing black tourmaline, rose quartz or other gem in each corner then a pitcher of Himalayan salt water or lamp in the center of the room. This will help draw out stagnant energy. Burning sage, sweetgrass or moxa works well as a next step, making room for healthy energy.

It might be that other rooms simply need a few windows open and a softer touch such using mild incense, a spritz of essential oil, or a sound bath using tuning forks, a singing bowl or voice toning.

There are a multitude of tools. It just depends on the space and what resonates for you.

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